Thursday, September 18, 2008

How Time Flies

It has been WELL over a year since I last posted. Many things have changed. I am no longer in Texarkana. I have moved to Lufkin, Texas. I am officially a Texan. I love my new home town and church. The youth here are amazing. Not that my youth weren't in Ttown, God has just given me quite an affection for these guys. Any time I get frustrated with work, I think of my youth. They give me an excitement to keep on going. I hope I don't disappoint them.
I have now been through two hurricanes. I am right now at my in-laws house due to Hurricane Ike. I have been without electricity (electric if you live in Missouri) for 6 days. As mad as I could be about me not getting power, I know the electric companies are working harder than anyone in town. I also realize that I will have power very soon, some people south of here have lost their entire home. I have nothing to complain about.
Our church served as an evacuee center for both hurricanes. We had just under 300 evacuees between the 2 hurricanes. It is amazing to see how different people have different feelings about society. Many of the evacuees had the (you owe me something) philosophy. They thought because of who they are and what they went through, we owed them and they didn't need to do anything but put their hand out. This goes against the basic principles of what I believe. Just as soon as I would get frustrated with them, others would nearly beg us to help. They didn't want to just take from us, they wanted to help in any situation they could. Their hand wasn't out to receive until their hand was finished helping. God bless those people. May we always be willing workers.
This year has driven by so quickly. New town, new church, new youth group, new house (kind of), new responsibilities, new nickname (these youth call me Dave-ski, not Brody) and so much more. I feel like a rookie youth and music minister. My kids are growing faster than they should. They are now 9 and 5. I will try to post more often, but you know how quickly time flies.

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